At Avicenna, we believe in supporting local and regional research by listening and tailoring services to the exact needs of the institutions. Each institution will have their own specific needs and challenges and at Avicenna we embrace the diverse nature of the research community. This is translated in a range of tailor made services specific to the needs of the institutions in the region:
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Corepaedia is not an empty box. At Avicenna, we ensure that our solution is usable from day one without putting pressure on the institution(s) to populate the system.
Part of our suite of bespoke services is linking the various entities together to provide a complete and comprehensive map of research of the institutions. This means that we don’t stop at simply uploading and checking records, but we go much further: -Linking Authors/ Researchers to publication output -Linking Research output to institution(s) -Creating Author Collaboration Network.
This goes to the heart of Avicenna’s philosophy in highlighting and bringing forward the research that is taking place daily in the region. Your researcher is more than just another anonymous author amongst many others! We offer rich Researcher profiling that go beyond the usual bibliometric but also encompasses the new social media trends.
Corepaedia goes beyond traditional research output and authors. Your institution is far richer that what you may think! Research leads to innovation and this leads to patents! Wouldn’t it be great if you could see the real, tangible, impact of your research? Corepaedia is built for this. Part of our service would be to track and ingest patents associated with your researchers. Each patent is linked to the correct author and institution with all patent associated details included. For each institution, all research output is clearly visible but also the patents associated with the institution. The same is true at the researcher level. All publications are linked to the researcher but also the patents.
Corepaedia includes functionality for the institutions to create research grants, calls for collaboration, projects and more. The aim is to have an eco-system for your institutions to utilize and nurture existing talent and expertise. Why look beyond your borders when you can tap local excellence!